The box contains 35 completed granny squares. 13 unused skeins of yarn. And a crochet hook. Here's a woman who woke up one day and said, "There's no way I"m gonna make another 40 squares." The yarn is one that must have been discontinued years ago. It's Bernat Knitting Worsted, 65% wool, 35% nylon. I paid .75.
Unfortunately, there's no way I'm gonna make another 40 granny squares, either. But the yarn is worth it. It's machine washable, mainly wool, and all the colors are complimentary--two browns, yellow, rust, orange, and burgundy.
Maybe I can make a tote or something with the squares. If anyone has any good ideas, I'm open to suggestions.
I think the tote bag idea is good. Or, how about cushion covers?
How about making a front with the granny squares and the back, sides and handles/strap with the solid yarn? Or maybe use the squares as the sides and bottom? The possibilities are endless!
Just got home from writing came, report to follow!
"camp" sheesh.
what about a very retro 1/2 apron :D
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