The socks were not very successful. It really shows the problem with using mystery yarn. I have no idea what the fiber content is, and the finished sock just stretches and stretches, but doesn't return to shape. Probably has a lot of cotton, or whatever.
I like the pattern--eyelets which I continued down into a V on the instep, so that I could wear them with loafers but still have some substance to the sock body. Right now, I don't want to make the second sock, as this one is too loose (even though I used #1 needles and only 54 stitches). I hate to waste two days of knitting time. Oh, well. Guess it was a learning experience. Not everything can be socks.
I knitted my first sock in cotton with a little (very little) nylon or polyester in it. They stretch like mad too but are very comfy. I can't believe that you can just pick up needles and yarn and make up a pattern for something. Very impressive.
Well, I can do that with socks, but very few other things. Socks more or less design themselves, once you've made a million of them. The formula doesn't change much. I've tried to do a different heel, or toe up, but it's just too much work to learn. I'm an old dog, I guess.
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