The grandkids treated us to breakfast yesterday at this little diner. Today, they all went to a train expo (we are a family of train enthusiasts), and I have a day alone. I want to get started on a sweater vest for Ricardo for Christmas, but am still undecided on what to use. Here are my choices: 1) Yesterday I decided to make something out of the blue cone yarn, but it's very bright, with flecks of many other colors, and it's sport weight. The plus side is that I have enough to make something all in one color; 2) The skeins from the granny square box all match and are the same weight, but the only color of any quantity is the yellow (3 skeins). I could make the back and ribs out of the yellow and fair isle or stripe the front. This was my original plan, but it's a fussy project; 3) I could opt for one of those smaller "westkit" type of vests, with the little points in front and buttons. I have a nice pattern from one of my old Golden Hands books with this pattern. The problem is that this must be all one color, and I'm not sure it would look good in bright blue, and I'm not sure the yellow would stretch. The pattern calls for 10 oz. of sport yarn, and the yellow is worsted, but I could make a smaller size; 4) I could use the bulky yarn I got from Barbara in the swap, although I'm using most of the taupe and black for a poncho, although I have have white and blue variegated enough. Again, I'd need to mix the colors. I also have some very similar yarn in a dusty rose that I could mix into a pattern without it looking too feminine. ARGGG. Nothing seems right.
This is a secret project, so I really hate to waste one good private day. I'm gonna stare at the blue cone awhile longer and then try to commit to something before noon.
Trains! I miss trains, such a civilized way to travel. We used to ride them back to Indiana to visit our grandparents. Check out the Abrazo pattern on Knitty.com for a nice cabled vest I'm planning to knit for Durwood, maybe for Xmas. It's made for a woman with a bit of waist shaping but I think it'd do okay unisex if I just skip that.
Hey, I forgot to say how handsome those two guys are! Ricardo and grandson? But not the skull hat grandson, right?
I love to travel by train! One of my best friends moved from Detroit to Milwaukee . . . the cost of a flight is RIDICULOUS! But the train . . . now there's a different story!
Round trip is right around $100 - can't put gas in the car for that - AND it gives you plenty of time to knit - knit - knit! I sit with a movie going on my laptop and knit away for hours - I love it! You just need a lot of patience because you are generally late getting into Chicago - the passenger trains do not have the right of way when a freight train goes through. Personally, I don't mind pulling over and waiting for them to pass - I don't relish the idea of playing chicken with a freight train when there is no place to go!!!
Have a great day and GB!
I know. I love to take the train. It is so much less stressful than driving, and you can read and knit, have coffee, move around, etc. And Amtrak has a lot of specials.
Lisa, maybe we can have coffee the next time you pass through Milwaukee! Isn't it funny how you and Barbara and Jami and I all live quite near to each other? What are the odds? GB to you, too!
Woo Hoo! Cool idea! I will definitely let you know the next time I'm visiting!
Have a great day and GB!
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