Hi, Everybody! Thanks for the lovely comments while I was off line, and for the mails sent. All the snow and ice and cold had me feeling a little blue, but I was called on to babysit last week and came home feeling my usual self.
One of my New Year's resolutions was to go back to those big bags of thread and baby yarns and either use them or give them to the charity shop. As luck would have it, our town had a citywide "baby shower" day today (isn't that a great idea?), and many people donated beautiful hand crafted items to babies in need. I finished two sweaters and a hat, and Ricardo was tickled that when he dropped the stuff off, they put my hat on display. I really don't have a good picture of the knitted sweater, as I was still finishing it this morning, but it was made of a "denim" printed baby yarn, with cables up both sleeves and along the button band.
This crocheted jacket--shown here--was made with some nice vintage pompador baby yarn. I had one skein of "pistachio", one of "pistachio print" and one of white, all three with that little sparkly thread. I used almost all of it. It was supposed to have a hood, but I didn't have enough yarn.
Libraries are such wonderful places. Our name finally came up for a turn at the first season of Stargate SG-1, a series Ricardo always wanted to see, so we've been watching two episodes a night. I took out a stack of old Vogue Knitting magazines, and sit and page through them while we munch popcorn and travel the cosmos. I'm also making something I call "tiny doilies." These are one or two inches across, and I'm trying to make them look as much like full-size doilies as I can. Ricardo was a bit incredulous, remarking that full-size doilies themselves are only "marginally useful." But I can see these embellishing a number of items (ball caps? or under a glass coffee table?).
Lastly, I finished a pair of lace trouser socks, using a ball of Lustersheen from my thread bag. They are very delicate, and don't feel like they will last more than a few wearings, although I hope I'm wrong. Not something to wear hiking in the woods, however.
I'm reading Small Wonder, a collection of essays by Barbara Kingsolver (whose fiction is wonderful), making pea soup, and waiting for the sun to come back.
I'm SOOOO glad you're back! I've missed you!! I just came back from lunch, where I was thinking of you . . . I was sitting at a corner table with the sun streaming in the window and warming my back while knitting on a pair of socks! It was so good to see the sun back . . . this no-sun COLD weather is for the birds!
Take care and GB!
Welcome back! I've missed seeing what you've been making. Cute stuff. Cold and sunny is way better than cold and overcast.
Thanks,ladies! I'm so glad you're still around. Yes, I can take the cold as long as we have some sun.
Lisa, I'm making something today with you in mind! Hope it works out.
OOOO - I can't wait to see!!!!!
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