The blanket is slow going, though. Each square is made up of two different colors, and, since the squares are about six inches square, the final blanket design will probably run to more than 200 squares.

The good thing, of course, is that with mitred squares there is no sewing together at the end. I'm trying to tuck in the ends after every two or three squares, just to keep that chore under control.
Below is a very dark snap of the blanket-in-progress. It's about 30 squares in size now, and will probably be done in a year or so, since it's already too large to carry around in a knitting bag.

They also sell magazines for a quarter there, and I've bought quite a few knitting and crochet magazines there, so it's a fun place to visit when I manage to get there during their short hours.
Reading note: I just finished The Friday Night Knitting Club, and really enjoyed it until the very sad ending had me in tears. I think the ending is a mistake, actually, as it overshadowed everything that had come before. But that's me. Don't let me put off anyone from reading it. It's good.
Yeah, I agree about the ending of FNKC. I thought the author cheaped out on an opportunity to go into deeper emotional places.
Yay, nickle yarn! What a cool idea for an afghan.
I'm glad you're back.
A third chiming in on the ending, it seemed out of place.
My knitting group regularly gets donations of bits and bobs of yarn, and we roll it into those tiny balls. We get the stashes from relatives of knitters who've passed away. They see our listing in the paper, and we're always happy to take on yarn. We have a bunch of charity knitters and crocheters. Granny squares for DYFUS blankets for foster/in charge kids work well with the wee balls and scraps.
That blanket is looking really nice! I wish I had a charity shop with cheap balls of wool near me, that would be my dream! i love going through yarn stashes.
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