It's Ricardo's birthday tomorrow, and I've been at a loss for something to make. After all, he's been married to a knitter for 39 years, and has enough hats and scarves and mitts for three men. (I made him a bottle cozy for his thermos bottle, but that really was a very small thing.) Then, last night he was idly paging through a magazine and saw a tea cozy and said, "We really need one of these." We're tea drinkers, but I have a problem with tea cozies, and we've always wrapped a kitchen towel around our teapots, because tea cozies seemed vaguely unsanitary to me. I mean, people handle them, cough on them, etc., and they get food on them--not to mention dust. Then they sit on the table with the food. (Okay, I'm neurotic.) But in the Trash and Treasure bag I had a few ounces of some really pretty yarn that felt too scratchy and rough to use for a hat. And, being obviously acrylic, it can be thrown into the washer and dryer without much trouble.
Thus was born the "Shooting Star Tea Cozy." It's more or less a big hat, but I put a row of six eyelets near the top and then K five rows. When it's drawn together it makes a five pointed star (see picture). I need to make a nicer drawstring "tail" for the star, but for right now, a double strand of yarn will have to do.
I'll write down the pattern when I figure out exactly what I did. It was a trial and error project, which I had to rip a few times.
I hope you all have a good weekend!
Just found your blog. Like it and love your tea cozy pattern
I want the tea cozy pattern too! It's adorable!
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